20 September 2007

Introducing SID – Part Two

In the previous posting I described the Product Model within SID. In this posting I will introduce another the other strengths of the TeleManagement Forums’ Shared Information/Data Model (SID), namely the Party Role concept

SID makes a very clear distinction between the roles played by Parties (Businesses, Organisations and People) and the Parties themselves. This can seem to be very pedantic and clumsy when first viewing the SID, so why does the SID do it?

A Party Role, defined in the SID as “The part played by a party in a given context with any characteristics, such as expected pattern of behaviour, attributes, and/or associations that it entails.” This is pretty obscure. It is better to realise there are real world entities such as People and Businesses that exist independently of the Telecoms company are Parties. When a party interacts with us he/she/it plays a role and it is the role the party is playing we see. How we address the party, the functions we allow the party to perform depend, not on the party, but the role he/she/it is playing. For example, a person can be an employee, a customer, and the user of a service. As an employee we allow him or her to modify prices list entries in the Order Management system for example, but we would not allow a customer to do this. So a Party when playing the role of Employee can do things that he/she cannot do when playing the role of Customer.

The simplest way of visualising this is to consider the Party Role to be a mask worn by the Party. The Party Role mask carries on it the information we know about the Party as well as defining the Party Role Type (Employee, Customer, Registered End User) which allows us to identify the range of functions that Party can perform when in that Party Role.

If the Party Role concept is taken to its logical conclusion and (somehow) every Party Role is connected to the correct Party and all the Parties are completely deduped then the Holy Grail of CRM, a single view of the Customer can be achieved, though the reality is that this is a complex and expensive task.

Two key Party Roles have been mentioned that need to be further discussed: Customer and Registered End User.

The word Customer is widely used and abused and everyone has their own mental image of what the word means. The OED Defines Customer as “Buyer; client of bank; (colloq.) queer, awkward etc. ~ (person to be dealt with)” not a very useful definition that covers a broad set of behaviours and allowed functions. In the SID the Customer is defined as “A Person or Organisation that buys or has bought or otherwise obtained Products, Resources and/or Services from the enterpries or receives free offers for Products, Resources and/or Services. This definition is also very broad. In my experience the best definition of Customer is “The Role Played by the Party in which the Party takes financial and contractual obligation for an Account”. This is a much narrower definition than that used by CRM but allows a clear definition of the functions allowed by this Role.

So if the Customer is the Party Role that is responsible for the account who is the user of the Telecoms services? Within SID this is not clearly defined. I have developed the concept of the “End User” Party Role which I define as the role played by a party when using a Product (Subscription).

By using Party Roles the SID allows the Telecoms provider to understand why the same Parties are treated differently in different circumstances and the difference between real-world parties and the company’s subjective view of these parties.

17 September 2007

Introducing SID - Part One

The Telemanagement Forum’s Shared Information Data Model (TMF SID) is part of the NGOSS (Next Generation Operational Support System) and has been in the public domain for several years now.

The SID offers the first truly Open Enterprise Data Model for the Telecommunications industry.

There have been proprietary Telecommunications Enterprise Data Models in the market place. The author has hands on experience with Oracle’s Telecoms Enterprise Model and Teradata’s Communications Logical Data Model (cLDM). Both of these models have a great deal of strength and robustness but each is only a single organisation’s view of the information within a Telcoms business. The TMF SID however is not based on any particular software or hardware. It defines the information within a Telecoms business in such a way that it can be used to describe all products, everything from POTS to IP Telephony in a simple unified manner.

There are other things that make the SID powerful in its data modelling approach (such as the use of Party Roles and the subtle use of Logical and Physical Resources), but in this article I will be focusing of the definition of Products.

The SID does not describe the Telecoms products and services in a subscriber or MSISDN centric manner but in a very subtle integrated two-layer approach that allows all offerings to be described in a way that is understandable to the Customer (aiding billing and customer care) at one level and implementable in the network and as reusable components at another.

Lets examine the SID’s Product concepts

  • Product Offering – the thing that is marketed and sold. This is best thought of as the box that everything is put in. Just as when you buy cornflakes it is the flakes of corn you want inside the box, but it is the box with its logo, brand name, and barcode that you actually purchase.
  • Customer Facing Service – the things that you use in the Product Offering, or more subtly the things that the customer thinks he is using, which on the network may be supported by multiple services
  • Resource Specifications – the definition of the resources needed to implement the Customer Facing Services (CFS). Note this is the specification of the resources, not the resource instances. When defining a POTS product the resources required would be a line and a phone number, not a specific line running from 34 Acacia Avenue and not a specific phone number 01252794888. Plainly when a Product Offering is sold its Resource Specifications are instantiated as specific Resources that are allocated to a particular customer for as long as that Product Offering is used (or subscribed to) by the customer
  • Price Plan – the definition of the charges associated with the Product Offering. These will include the One Off Charges (such as the price of the Product Offering), the recurring charges – for the use of the Customer Facing Services and the One Off Charges (penalty charges for example). Note the Price Plan is a component of the Product Offering not the Offering itself. The practice of telecoms companies thinking they sell price plans comes from the manufactures of billing systems and confuses the heck out of the business and, more importantly, the customers

And that is all, at this level at least; there is no need to think about how the Product (Offering) is to be implemented or provisioned in the network (at this level).

Introducing Telecoms Enterprise Information Modelling

This is the blog of Andrew McFadyen who has been an Enterprise Information Modeller for over 12 years. In it I will share some of my experiences in this field in general and examine the use, strength and weaknesses of the TeleManagement Forum's Shared Information/Data Model in particular.

I intend to discuss the following subjects over the next few posts
  • Introducing the Shared Information Data Model (SID)
  • Implementing SID
  • Just what does SID mean by Customer Facing Service?
  • SID’s Logical and Physical Resources
  • The role of an Enterprise Data Model in Service Oriented Architecture